The Discipline of Rest
Last Saturday we finally left the town of Fernley, Nevada. After four days of walking her streets and hours spent walking the Walmart aisles, it almost felt like leaving home again. Almost.
But we were excited to be on the road again and moving forward in this adventure. We drove ten hours on Saturday and spent the night in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Sunday we set out for Wyoming and what a beautiful drive it was! Every couple of minutes Josh or I was saying “Look out the window! It’s so pretty!” Our kids have no idea how lucky they are to be seeing all of this!
Sunday night we arrived in the Grand Teton National Forest and we haven’t left yet. The beauty of this place is overwhelming. Snake River is incredible - and from my previous post you know how much I love rivers. As I take it all in, I am again humbled at how small I am and how great the majesty of our God is! “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?” Psalm 8:3,4
Wednesday we took a five mile hike around Jenny Lake to see Hidden Falls, a beautiful waterfall that is hidden in the mountains where only the ones who make the effort get to see it. Can you imagine all the secret beauties God has created for us to discover? What creativity and kindness to give us this Earth and let us explore it and meet Him here!
In all this fun and beauty, the adventure continues. And thanks to Josh’s last post I now know the official definition of “adventure.” I hadn’t really known before, and maybe wouldn’t have signed up for it had I known. But God knew, and I trust Him.
Every day we are figuring out “RV living.” There are problems and difficulties to overcome. The six of us are in close quarters that we cannot escape. My Lord is continuing to refine me, even as He pulls me away to Green Pastures. I am faced with fears I didn’t know I had. And He is meeting me here. I am finding that even here, I must fight for soul-rest, to enjoy the adventure and find comfort in my Lord while I am away from the usual daily life, to soak up these times with my family and pour love and grace into them, to grow in faith as I see God work and be faithful, to rest spiritually and emotionally. This, I believe, is obedience. He has put me here, I must not waste this gift.
But it is a battle, and more often than not I am weary. “No one has ever developed a deep level of spirituality or holiness without experiencing a great deal of suffering.” I read that in Streams in the Desert this morning, a daily devotional that has often encouraged my heart. I know this is true, and yes, Jesus is what I want more than anything. But I am also afraid of more suffering. This isn’t something I take lightly. I seriously consider this. Is He worth it? Do I really believe that He is more beautiful than gold, more precious than silver? Do I want to grow or just stay comfortable where I am in Christianity? Can I say with Paul, “I count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord?” Yes, I do, but it is heavy. And He meets me here too.
“Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand, You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73: 23-26.
All I have to do is keep my eyes on Him. I can fall in the arms of my God who never stops loving me and tell Him all my fears and failures, and receive His love. He already knows. And He is strong on my behalf. My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart!
So whether I am back home in California or halfway across the country, my daily aim is to meet with Jesus. He is my Rock and my Refuge, in Him will I trust.